Support of Ukraine

At Thalloo, we remain steadfast in our commitment to supply essential medical diagnostics and healthcare equipment to hospitals and laboratories across Eastern Europe, including Ukraine. We believe it is our duty to support patients and healthcare providers who rely on our products for critical medical services. Despite the significant challenges posed by international sanctions, we continue to operate with integrity and dedication to ensure that healthcare delivery is not compromised during these difficult times.

Thalloo can confirm that it is not involved in Russia as a region of interest – to be clear, Thalloo has no partners in Russia, does not work with manufacturers based in Russia; and our end user-facing partnerships do not have customers based in Russia. 

Addressing the impact of Sanctions

Companies working in Eastern Europe and the Baltic States face significant challenges while operating under international restrictions and sanctions imposed due to the Ukraine-Russia conflict. The sanctions, aimed at limiting Russia's economic capabilities, have resulted in complex regulatory environments that businesses must navigate. These include restrictions on exports and imports of a wide range of goods, especially those with dual-use capabilities and advanced technologies.

Operating under international sanctions requires stringent compliance with a complex array of regulations. The UK and EU have implemented extensive export controls and restrictions on goods that could potentially be used in military applications, including certain medical technologies.

Sanctions have disrupted traditional supply chains, with the additional administration of ensuring compliance with sanctions contributing to delays. Ensuring that medical supplies reach their destinations on time requires meticulous planning and coordination​.


Compliance with sanctions involves continuous monitoring and adaptation to evolving regulations. This includes maintaining up-to-date knowledge of sanctioned entities and goods, which can be resource-intensive. The introduction of new clauses prohibiting the re-exportation of certain goods adds another layer of complexity to operating in this region.

Thalloo has regular dialogue with its partners to ensure that they have robust processes in place to work within International regulations and the related restrictions. This includes monitoring updates to UK, EU and US lists; working closely with local customs agents to ensure any cross-border trade is within guidelines; and where required, working with Government agencies to clarify or seek approval where required. 

Access to in-market partners that provide local installation, and regular servicing of equipment provides opportunities to ensure that equipment remains for its intended use.